Getting my life back.
In September last year I started feeling like the winds of change were blowing for me. So I raised my sails.
I’ve spent lots of time wandering aimlessly as a 20 something year old in the working world. I’m tired now.
Something about turning 29 feels like there is a gift of restoration with it. I’m feeling it again now. That everything I thought I’d lost is coming back to me.
“If only life was just a dress rehearsal. And we had time for do-overs. We’d be able to practice and practice every morning, until we got it right. Unfortunately, every day in our lives is its own performance. It seems like even when we get a chance to rehearse, and prepare, and practice… we’re still not quite ready for life’s grand moments.”- Mologue by Meredith Grey.
I need to prepare myself for these grand moments. Even then I still don’t feel ready.
“You have seen my descent. Now watch my rising.”- Rumi
I’m turning 30 this year and honestly that’s the general mood within me. It’s all coming back to me. Somehow.